Why Wallingford?
Relocating to Wallingford
can save businesses up to 40% in electric costs
52% of Connecticut's workforce can reach Wallingford in 20 minutes
Access to commuter rail, freight rail, airports, commercial shipping port and highways
Our highly productive and educated labor force, superior quality of life, strategic geographic business location, one of the lowest electric rates in New England and amongst the nation's highest percentage of employment in technology-based industries reflect the Town's economic strength.
The citizens of Wallingford are tremendously committed to the Town of Wallingford. With the centralized location, the picturesque vineyards and farm land, the quintessential New England town center and award winning school system, Wallingford is a great place to live and do business.
Your Gateway to New England and Beyond
Given the Town's central CT location and easy access to major metropolitan cities via highway, harbor, train and airport systems, Wallingford is the ideal place for North American expansion.
1,500 acres of dedicated industrial office parks
Access to New York, Boston, Hartford, New Haven and Providence within 2 hours
Over 2,200 businesses are currently located in Wallingford
Wallingford's labor force productivity outperforms the national average by 13%
Businesses that call Wallingford home
Savings for Your Business
Wallingford's municipally owned utilities provide the highest reliability of services at one of the most affordable rates in all of New England which reduces costs for residential and industrial customers.
Wallingford also offers incentive programs for your business's energy conservation efforts.
The FY24 mill rate for real and personal property is $30.66 for each $1,000 of assessed value. FY24 mill rate was $29.34.
The Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce works closely with the Town of Wallingford to “Make The Connections That Make Positive Things Happen For Business And the Community At Large."
Contact our Economic Development Specialist at (203) 294-2062 or edc@wallingfordct.gov
Economic Development Office
Economic Development Specialist: Don Crouch
Economic Development Secretary: Stacie McCarthy
Tel: (203) 294-2060
Email: edc@wallingfordct.gov
The Office of Economic Development facilitates access to key departments to facilitate business projects, interests, and initiatives. With effective leadership, including the Mayor and the many town departments, Wallingford works for businesses.
The Economic Development Specialist provides economic development information, assistance and support in regards to site selection, expansions, and pre-development consultation. Staff assists developers, businesses and property owners to comply with all applicable codes, standards and laws concerning development, and works closely with other Town officials to facilitate the review and permitting process.
Staff maintains information on available commercial and industrial sites and engages in marketing efforts on behalf of the Town to attract prospective businesses. The Office of Economic Development also provides professional staff support to the Economic Development Commission.
Complimentary & Confidential Business Support is available, please contact the Economic Development Office.