Logo for: Town of Wallingford

Mayor's Office


45 South Main Street
Room #310

Office Hours

Mon thru Fri, 9 am - 5 pm


Mayor: Vincent Cervoni
Administrative Aide: Cori Hass

Tel: (203) 294-2070
TDD: Available by dialing 711
Info Line: (203) 294-2072
Fax: (203) 294-2073

Department Responsibilities

  1. The Mayor's Office acts as a clearinghouse for citizens' inquiries. If a question cannot be answered by the Department itself, the Mayor's Office will make every effort to seek the requested information or direct the call to the proper Department.
  2. The Mayor's Office is the nucleus of Town Government and all departments are accountable to the Mayor.
  3. The Administrative Aide acts as Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator, Fair Housing Officer and Title VI Coordinator for the Town. Follow the link(s) to review documents about Fair Housing, Affirmative Action and ADA:

Fair Housing Documents

Affirmative Action Documents:

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Documents: