Retail Rates and Fees
Information regarding the Wallingford Electric Department’s retail rates and fees are available online. Please contact us with specific questions regarding these rates.
- WED Rate Tariff Changes Quick Reference Sheet
- Rate No. 1 - Residential
- Rate No. 2 - Residential-Municipal Electric Division Employee
- Rate No. 3 - Small General Service
- Rate No. 4 - Large General Service
- Rate No. 5 - Primary Service
- Rate No. 6 - Non-Municipal Lighting
- Rate No. 7 - Municipal Lighting
- Rate No. 8 - Small Municipal Service
- Rate No. 9 - Large Municipal Service
- Rate No. 11 - Traffic Signal Service
- Rate No. 12 - Power Cost Adjustment Clause
- Rate No. 13 - Miscellaneous Charges and Fees
- Downtown Economic Development Rider
- Energy Conservation Fund (ECF) Charges